Whom does Alcoholism Affects Most Among Different Groups of People?

Whom does Alcoholism Affects Most Among Different Groups of People?

Alcoholism does not spare anyone to impact their life personally, physically, mentally, and financially.

1. Teenagers and college students

They are more prone to become addicted to alcohol because of their social behavior and glamorized lifestyle engaged in parties. Their brains are still in developing stage and consumption of alcohol hampers brain growth to affect their perception, learning and reasoning abilities. They suffer a lot in later years. They feel stressed to see their deteriorating academics and career.

Whether you are alcohol addicted teen or a parent of an alcoholic teen, you can get all information related to treatment of alcohol addiction on Detox to Rehab at your fingertips. They have addiction treatment programs across the U.S. ranging from 30 days to 90 days duration for any substance abuse. They also provide Detox treatment programs to help you overcome the phases of alcohol withdrawal.

2. Professionals

Whether you are a heavy machine operator, a labor, marketing personnel or any other professional, you may get tired and stressed, and look forward to relax with some drinks.

Long-term drinking habit can increase your intake capacity and you may have excessive drink per day. This may get you hangovers, which can lead to risks of injury at workplace. It may also destroy your professional career.

3. Senior citizens

The effects of aging are retirement, declined memory, and dependence on others’ help. They go through drastic mental and physical changes. Unknowingly, they become alcohol dependence as they take one or two drinks regularly while trying to get stress-free. They may suffer from diabetes, high BP, and kidney and liver failures.

4. Women

Women are likely to drink mostly due to the sociological differences between men and women. Some may suffer from personal, family, or professional issues to become alcohol dependent to relax. If a pregnant woman drinks, the physical and mental growth of the baby is affected as it can develop birth defects.