What You Need to Know About Marijuana Withdrawal

What You Need to Know About Marijuana Withdrawal

Discussions regarding marijuana usage are gradually becoming more widespread as regulations change. Some are trying to determine whether or not it has therapeutic value, while others are trying to find methods to flush it from their system in preparation for drug testing or just out of a general desire to rid their bodies of toxins.Learn more about Thc detox for drug test.

Remains of marijuana use

Marijuana’s effects are powerful and quick to set in after use. However, even though the high has worn off, traces of marijuana’s metabolites will still be present. That’s because your body is still retaining the plant’s chemical residues.

Cannabinoids are the name given to these leftovers. The saliva, hair, fingernails, blood, & urine may all be tested for their presence.

The Specifics of a Drug Test

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its metabolites are the substances most often tested for in drug screenings. Due to its convenience and the fact that THC may be detected in it for longer within urine than in other samples, testing is often performed on urine. THC-COOH is the primary metabolite tested for in these kinds of drug tests. You keep this in your fat cells.

Process of Detoxification

Most marijuana detox programs aim to rid the body of all traces of THC. You may get packages that include capsules, chewable pills, beverages, shampoos, or even mouthwashes to assist you in passing a saliva test.

But if you need to pass a drug test, you should know that detoxes might have other side effects that can make your urine sample appear suspect. Cleanses and herbal teas may also affect the creatinine level in the urine, another factor that is evaluated in drug screenings. Rossetti suggests that abnormal creatinine levels may be an indicator of contamination. Thus, the examiner may conclude that you made an effort to fake a positive result on a drug test.

For how long does THC remain effective?

Blood, urine, or even fat cell testing may reveal THC use. Multiple variables affect how long THC traces may be found in a person’s system; among them:

  • How you burn fuel and what you consume
  • A regular schedule of physical activity
  • Measurement of Body Fat
  • The regularity and amount of marijuana consumption

As a result of these variations, there is no universally accepted detection time. One study found that its persistence might range from 2 days to 4 months.


Despite prolonged abstinence, cannabinoid metabolites may be present in the urine. Delta 1-THC, a metabolite, was detected in the urine of former users for up to four weeks after their last use, according to one research.