What are the Core Values of Occupational Therapy?

What are the Core Values of Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a field that helps people regain or maintain their ability to participate in everyday life activities. It is a holistic profession that focuses on the whole person, not just their injury or illness. OTs use a variety of interventions to help their clients achieve their goals, which can include anything from helping them relearn how to do basic tasks to working on emotional wellbeing. In this article, we will discuss the core values of occupational therapy so that you can better understand what this profession is all about.

1. Occupational therapists believe in using a person-centered approach

This means that occupational therapists put the client at the center of their care. They take into account the client’s unique needs, preferences, and values. This helps to ensure that the care plan is tailored specifically for each individual and that they are more likely to engage in and benefit from therapy. They also believe in using an interdisciplinary team approach to care, which means that they work with other health professionals to provide the best possible care for their clients.

If you are considering occupational therapy for yourself or a loved one, be sure to hire a professional therapist for occupational therapy in Allentown to get the best possible care. They will ensure that your individual needs are met and that you benefit from therapy. Moreover, always choose a therapist who is licensed by the state in which you live.

2. They promote health and wellbeing

Occupational therapists work to promote the health and wellbeing of their clients. They do this by helping them participate in activities that are meaningful to them. This can include anything from everyday activities such as cooking and cleaning to leisure activities such as hobbies and socializing. OTs also help their clients develop the skills they need to cope with stress, manage their emotions, and participate in meaningful relationships. By promoting health and wellbeing, occupational therapists can help their clients live their best lives.

3. They respect the dignity and worth of each person

Occupational therapists believe in the dignity and worth of each person. They work to help their clients reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances. OTs view their clients as experts in their own lives and work collaboratively with them to achieve their goals. This collaborative relationship is based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

By respecting the dignity and worth of each person, occupational therapists can help their clients lead fulfilling and satisfying lives. It will also help if you know what qualifies a patient for skilled nursing care, as it can help you decide what kind of care you or your loved one needs. Also, consider the location of your preferred skilled nursing facility so that you can be sure it is easily accessible.


Now you know the three core values of occupational therapy! If you or a loved one are considering occupational therapy, be sure to find a therapist who shares these values. They will ensure that you receive the best possible care and that you benefit from therapy.