Soy milk: Properties, benefits and contraindications

Soy milk: Properties, benefits and contraindications

Soy milk is ideal for refined palates or those whose body does not tolerate dairy. Today, there are vegan replacements for many of the foods we consume, and it’s no different with the so-called fancy plant-based milk offered in cafes and restaurants as an alternative to dairy. 

In this article, we will focus on the main benefits and properties of soy milk to take into account to lead a healthier and healthier life.

What is soy milk, and what is it used for?

Glycine max or soy is a species of the legume family whose seed is highly valued for its high protein content, with which oils and flours are produced for human consumption. 

We know that the Chinese were the first to cultivate wild soybeans about 3,000 years ago if we go back in history. 

Soy milk or soy is a derivative that, by extracting its seed and cooking it with minerals such as calcium and vitamins, a liquid that looks similar to milk is obtained.   

Research confirmed that soy milk consumption lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increases HDL (good) cholesterol. Today we all know what soy milk is, and in many homes, it cannot be missing. 

Main properties of soy milk

It is proven that after being processed, milk extracted from soybeans provides vitamins and minerals of high nutritional value. Unlike cow’s milk, soy milk has no cholesterol, no saturated fatty acids, and no harmful effects on the body. 

  • Source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
  • Balances hormones and delays aging.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Antioxidant and functional properties.
  • High fiber-rich content.
  • Restorative properties.

Benefits of soy milk 

Being a protein of plant origin, soy or soy milk has very beneficial nutritional value ​​for our health. It helps to have a healthy heart, prevents osteoporosis, cares for the circulatory system, and is an optimal product for people who are allergic or intolerant to cow’s milk. 

Reduces cholesterol levels 

According to the FDA, consuming soy milk daily maintains normal cholesterol levels that can cause heart problems or death. 

It contains chemical compounds called Phytoestrogens of proven efficacy when reducing the so-called bad cholesterol (LDL), inhibiting the harmful effects of the body’s natural estrogens.  

Improves symptoms of menopause 

Soy milk, along with an exercise regimen, reduces the annoying symptoms of menopause, thanks to the fact that it has isoflavones among its components: substances that can behave in a similar way to female estrogens.

These bioactive components promote women’s health, preventing hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, mood changes, and headaches.  

control diabetes 

Soy milk is one of the foods with the lowest glycemic index. It is highly recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes due to its antihyperglycemic (prevents the blood glucose level from rising ) anti hyperinsulinemic (prevents the glucose level from rising) effects. Insulin in the blood). 

Being low in fat is very useful in preventing atherosclerosis or the hardening of the arteries. 

strengthens the bones 

The benefits of soy milk for bones are undeniable because it prevents bone loss and osteoporosis and because its combination of phytoestrogens and vegetable proteins is ideal for bone formation.  

Additionally, soy milk maintains adequate calcium levels in the bones due to its high content of vitamin D.

Contributes to good digestion 

Soy milk metabolizes food faster, which helps the body digest it better because it does not lose its nutritional properties even after boiling.

Being non-dairy becomes a healthy alternative for those who prefer to avoid animal products or add something else to their diet.  

protects the skin 

The moisturizing, softening, and protective properties of soy milk act on all skin types, from dry to mature, regenerating cell tissue and helping it breathe better. 

Its antioxidant function facilitates collagen and elastin production by inhibiting the oxidation levels of free radicals, resulting in firm and radiant skin. 

Uses of soy milk

We have seen that eating soy milk as a replacement for cow’s milk is beneficial.


  • Cream presentations. We can get soy milk in beauty cosmetics for skincare. The most used are moisturizing creams for mature skin, which tend to lose elasticity with age.
  • Pills or capsules. It is the second most common way to find it, as a dietary supplement to lose weight or as a natural treatment in case of menopause. 

Side effects 

Although, in general, consuming soy milk is not harmful to health, it can cause some side effects due to its excessive use.

  • Playback problems. The indiscriminate intake of soy milk can cause temporary loss of fertility in young people; by the excess of Phytoestrogens above the recommended rate. 
  • Hormonal problems. Uncontrolled consumption of soy milk can lead to subclinical hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, and obesity. 

Contraindications for the use of soy milk

Soy milk has some contraindications that we must know before thinking about consuming it.

  • Allergic people. Accidental ingestion can cause hives or inflammation of the glottis. 
  • Affections. Its use is not recommended in people with thyroid problems because it can increase its size and produce alterations in the pancreas.  
  • Pregnancy. Its safety on the fetus is unknown. For this reason, pregnant or lactating women should not consume it.

Finally, we can say that soy milk is a perfect option if consumed in moderation. So if we want to get the most out of it, we must include it in a healthy and balanced meal plan.