7 Nature Connection Activities To Try Today

7 Nature Connection Activities To Try Today

Reconnecting with nature can have profound positive effects on your health and mindset. You can engage in nature connection activities in gardens, forests, beaches, or any place where nature is present.

Whether you’re looking for nature activities for camp, nature activities for families, or anything in-between, you can benefit from the wonderful effects.

As always, be careful with potential hazards like rocks, poisonous plants, or pits. That being said, here are nature connection activities for adults and children alike:

1. Unlocking Senses

To open your senses, find a quiet spot in nature. You can stand or sit on the ground comfortably. Then, close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply.

As you feel more grounded, sense your surroundings. Use one sense at a time. For instance, start with sound. What do you notice? And how about the silence between the noise?

Then, move to touch. How does the ground feel to touch? Is there a warmth or coolness from the air? Allow yourself to sense aromas that are in the air.

Feel gravity as it gently pulls you downward, grounding your body. Feel your heartbeat. Now, focus on any sensation you prefer.

When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes, allowing all your senses to feel nature and the beauty around you.

2. Walk of Gratitude

One of the best nature activities for camp is focusing on gratitude while walking. You can do this in a park, on a trail, or anywhere outside.

Aim for a walk of about 20 minutes. While on your journey, sense nature around you and focus on breathing.

You can change between slow, fast, and medium walking. As you walk, try to notice the small things around you that are pleasant. The trees swaying, a blade of grass, a butterfly, anything at all.

This practice grounds you in the earth and helps you relieve feelings of negativity by replacing it with gratitude.

3. Go On a Walk In the Forest

Engaging in forest walking therapy is one of the best ways to connect with nature. If it’s your first time, consider going with a guide.

As you wander through the trees, notice any specific ones that draw your attention. What do you see?

Let the tree tell you its story — its rings, leaves, color, and size. Notice if it has fruit, or flowers, or other wonderful natural creations.

You can sit by the tree, or even meditate if you wish.

4. Practice Empathy for Other Beings

We are all part of the animal kingdom. When you connect with nature, you begin to realize that everything on this planet deserves empathy and respect.

A wonderful way to improve your attitude toward nature is to observe other living things. This can be furry animals, flowers, plants, trees, or even bugs.

When performing this nature connection activity, try to observe similarities. Do other animals walk just like humans? Are animals gentle and loving as well?

What qualities do you appreciate most when observing animals? When you focus on being one with the rest of the animal kingdom, you will notice a calm loving energy come over you.

5. Make Art In Nature

The saying “art imitates life” is true. Everything in this world comes from nature, in one way or another.

You can connect deeply with nature by watching the beauty around you. Go outside, and notice any patterns or colors that catch your eye. What is it that you like?

As a bonus, bring something to draw with. Allow yourself to flow freely on the page, drawing what you see and feel.

6. Journal In Nature

Journaling is one of the more popular nature activities for camp and for anyone who wants to improve their mood.

Nature is the perfect place to let your heart flow into words. Any perceptions, feelings, or appreciations you have can be recorded for later.

When reviewing your journal, you can transport yourself to that time and place in nature, and capture the positive feelings again.

7. Seek Counsel from Nature

Consider nature therapy as one of the empowering nature activities for families available to anyone.

Start by noticing an element in nature. Observe a stream, or rock, or plant. Ask it a question silently. Let it tell you its secret, and give you advice.

Perhaps you can draw from the freedom of a leaf in the wind. Or you might ask a boulder how it became so strong. Let nature speak, and heal you with its answers.

The 7 simple yet accessible nature activities above can help you feel a sense of calm, wonder, love, and positivity — that’s the power of the natural world.