Are you at Risk of Hearing Loss?

Are you at Risk of Hearing Loss?

Hearing is one of the six basic senses that the creator of our life has given to us to make our life easy and special. But have you ever been faced any problem in these senses? Today, we are talking about hearing loss. It is one of the serious health issues that many people face but they are not to understand it at the initial stage because this is a really gradual process if it is not occurring as a result of an accident.

It is not compulsory that you go for the information about a health issue after it crosses the deadline but you must know the basic information and prevention for the common disorders of our basic senses so that we can take care of our health easily by following the simple steps in our daily life. For this purpose, we are going to discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of hearing loss but before this, let us clear that what is the basic introduction of this hearing disorder.

Introduction to Hearing Loss:

Hearing loss is a situation in which the patient is not able to hear accurately and when this situation is serious, it can lead to the total deafness of the person. Usually, we think that hearing loss is the total inability to the listening voices but it is not the whole truth. Hearing loss refers to the situation when a person starts losing hearing power. The person may listen to the voice clearly only at a high pitch.

One should not mix hearing loss with deafness because these are similar terms but describe different types of hearing disorders. Deafness is the situation when the patient is not able to listen to any kind of voice. In a similar direction, hearing loss is the initial stage of deafness, and the [erson can hear the voices but not as normal as a healthy person may listen to the voices.

Many times, this deficiency can be covered easily by following some simple steps. This is the reason why are we discussing today the symptoms, causes, treatments, and types of hearing loss.

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

It is obvious that the hearing loss symptom is the deficiency of the hearing voices but many of us do not know about some other symptoms and ignore them at the start. But once the hearing loss is confirmed by any medical report, then the patient feels that the symptoms were right before him but he ignored them. Some symptoms that must not be ignored are:

  • Sounds are quieter than normal
  • Difficulty in ignoring the background sounds
  • Unable to examine the direction of a sound
  • Mixing of sounds
  • Unclear speech observations

Causes of Hearing Loss

Once you have seen the symptom detail of the hearing loss, it would be best if you know the causes. It is shocking to know that hearing loss is not only caused due to ear problems but also by the different types of disease. Some of the most important causes of hearing loss are listed below:

  • Chickenpox
  • A disease of sickle cells
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Otosclerosis
  • Physical head Injury
  • Ototoxic Medication

All of these can cause hearing loss sometimes during the disease and sometimes, during the medication. The head injury is the most significant cause of hearing loss among these because the brain is not able to send the perfect signals towards the ears if the specific area of the brain is damaged or injured.

Types of hearing loss:

Hearing loss is further categorized into different three types so that one may have the idea that what is the exact place of the disease that has to be covered.

Conductive hearing loss

This is the condition in which the vibration, caused by the out voice, is not passed to the internal ear properly and the person is not able to hear.

Sensorineural hearing loss

This type of hearing loss refers to the condition in which hearing loss is caused by dysfunction of the inner ear, the cochlea, auditory nerve, or brain injury.

Mixed Hearing Loss

It is the mixture of the other two types as discussed above.


The treatments of all the problems that we have discussed above start with the best consultation. This process of treatment must be done step by step. Usually, the treatment includes:

If someone is suffering from any of such issues, he must visit for the proper treatment and best consultation because they have ENT specialist from all over Karachi and include the treatment of ears.

Frequently Asked Question

Can hearing loss be prevented?

Yes, the best way to do so is to follow precautionary measures.

When do I have to use a hearing aid?

This instrument is for those who are not able to hear clearly. You should consult a doctor.

What is a cochlear implant?

When the hearing aid is difficult to use or is unable to solve a problem, then this electronic device is used.

Is hearing loss cuase other disease?

No, the hearing loss may lead you to deafness but it does not cause other disease.